Leaders in innovation. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every product that leaves our factory sets new standards in the industry. The future is here, and Rovigo is shaping it together.

About us

Progress through quality and technological precision

Consistent annual increase in operational efficiency through the application of the latest technologies
We achieve excellent results in the acceptance of our products in the market.

Our journey began with the vision of revolutionizing production.

By using the most modern technology in the preparation of production, as well as in the production process itself, we are able to meet the high demands of our customers.

Customized production solutions

We create customized solutions that meet the specific production needs of each client.

Precision engineering and machining

High precision and top technology for top products.

Quality control

We ensure top quality through various control processes

Product development

From idea to reality, we develop innovative products for the market.

Assembly and integration

Seamless integration and system assembly for optimal functionality.

Supply chain management

Efficient supply chain management for maximum delivery and reliability.


We maintain our own systems in top condition, ensuring continuous operation.

Solutions for compliance with environmental standards

We meet the strictest environmental standards with sustainable solutions.

For quality, affordability and customized solutions.

The company Rovigo guarantees its employees and partners security and quality of business, as well as a simple and open approach in mutual relations. By continuously investing in the development of the technological park, equipment and education of our employees, we are able to realize technical solutions according to the highest requirements and expectations of our clients.

Proizvodi visoke kvalitete

Naša proizvodna tvrtka posvećena je isporuci proizvoda najviše kvalitete. Koristimo najsuvremeniju tehnologiju, kvalitetne procese kontrole kvalitete i pouzdane stručnjake kako bismo osigurali da svaki proizvod koji proizvedemo zadovoljava najstrože standarde kvalitete. Kada odaberete naše proizvode, možete biti sigurni da dobivate pouzdana i dugotrajna rješenja koja će ispuniti vaše potrebe.

Konkurentne cijene

Razumijemo važnost troškovne učinkovitosti na današnjem konkurentnom tržištu. Zato se trudimo našim kupcima ponuditi konkurentne cijene bez kompromisa na kvaliteti. Naši učinkoviti proizvodni procesi i ekonomija razmjera omogućuju nam pružanje isplativih rješenja, pomažući vam uštedu novca, a istovremeno dobivate vrhunske proizvode.

Prilagodljivost i fleksibilnost

Prepoznajemo da su potrebe svakog kupca jedinstvene. Naša proizvodna tvrtka i tvornica ponose se sposobnošću prilagodbe proizvoda kako bi zadovoljili vaše specifične zahtjeve. Bilo da se radi o prilagođavanju specifikacija proizvoda, materijala ili količina, fleksibilni smo i odgovaramo na vaše zahtjeve. Ova razina prilagodbe osigurava da dobijete upravo ono što vam je potrebno za uspjeh u vašoj industriji.

Facts about us


The growth of the international market


Customer satisfaction rate


Ratio of specialized training of employees


Net income growth